HS Science Overview
My name is Jennifer Walker. I will be teaching High School and 6th grade Science this year. This will be my 21st year in the classroom.
My Daily Schedule
1st period (8:00 - 8:45) - Anatomy & Physiology
2nd period (8:50 - 9:35) - IPC
3rd period (10:00 - 10:45) - Chemistry
4th period (10:50 - 11:35) - Conference
5th period (11:40 - 12:25) - Environmental Science
6th period (1:00 - 1:45) - Physics
7th period (1:50 - 2:35) - 6th Grade Science
8th period (2:40 - 3:25) - Inclusion
*Students in IPC, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics and 6th Grade will have a Google Classroom. Parents will receive an invite so that they can access the information as well. If you would like to be notified of upcoming tests and/or projects make sure you accept the Google Classroom invitation.
* Students in Anatomy & Physiology will use Canvas.
Break (9:35 - 10:00)
Before school (7:45 - 8:00) Earlier times can be scheduled if needed
After school (3:30 - 4:00)