Vendor Conflict of Interest forms
Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code (HB 914)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
On May 23, 2005, the Texas Senate passed House Bill No. 914, adding Chapter 176 to the Local Government Code, and imposing new disclosure and reporting obligations on vendors and potential vendors to local government entities beginning on January 1, 2006. This includes School Districts.
It also mandates that trustees and superintendents report certain gifts received from current vendors and those seeking to become vendors. It is strongly recommended that you become familiar with House Bill 914.
The Texas Ethics Commission adopted Forms CIS and CIQ pursuant to H.B. 914. The Texas Ethics Commission does NOT have jurisdiction to interpret or enforce Chapter 176 of the Government Code. These forms are NOT filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
Abbott Independent School District will not provide any further interpretation or information regarding these new requirements.
Vendors or potential vendors for the Abbott Independent School District shall complete the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ) and return it to:
Abbott Independent School District
Accounting Department
219 S. First Street
Abbott, TX 76621
Phone (254) 582-3011
Fax (254) 582-5430