Abbott Ag Boosters
Abbott AgFest will be Saturday, October 19, 2024
Each year, the Abbott Ag Boosters appreciates the parents' support and continued involvement with this huge fundraiser. We could not be as successful with out your dedication and we really appreciate it.
Abbott AgBooster parents will be contacting parents and distributing tickets in the next few weeks.
If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact an AgBooster parent.
The Abbott Ag Booster is an organization that supports members of the Abbott FFA and Abbott 4-H chapters at the annual Hill County Fair (HCF) auction of steers, hogs, goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, or any other market animal that might be added in the future. This year's Abbott Ag Boosters officers are:
- Kyle Miller
- Cory Pustejovsky
- Phil Pustejovsky
- Tim Russell
The Ag Booster buyers committee will work in conjunction with the HCF buyers committee to assure all youth eligible to sell animals at the fair receive the minimum bid established by the HCF buyers committee as long as funds are available. Fair participants who don’t make the top 75% of their class and are ineligible for the sale may receive “hard luck” payments from the Abbott Ag Boosters, if money remains after the sale.