Ms. Mary Beth Talley » Welcome


Ms. Talley’s Contact Information

School: (254) 582 – 3011

Email – [email protected]

Room #217

Subjects: Eng I, II, III (American Literature), IV (British Literature)

Tutorials: Mornings as needed -- please let Ms. Talley know beforehand!

M, T, Th, F  – 3:30 – 4:15 pm

Conference:  10:50 - 11:30 am (4th period)


Students receive handouts with specific dates as well as verbal reminders and dates written on the board/calendar located in classroom. It is highly recommended that each student create an organizational plan to help them stay on top of due dates! Announcements for major tests/projects/assignments will be posted on class Google Classroom pages as needed.


Please see the attached brochure for more information!