Mrs. Stephanie Sullins » Home


This will be my 22th year of teaching and my 10th year at Abbott! I am SO excited about this school year. I will be teaching 4th and 5th grade math and science.
I have attached my discipline policy, classroom policies, our schedule for this year and the elementary expectations. 
If you would like reminders about tests or class happenings, please be sure that I have you have joined my Class Dojo.  I will be sending out weekly emails with important dates and information through this. 
Please feel free to contact me. Email is the best way to get me. My conference time is from 11:40-12:25 Monday-Friday. I am available for tutoring or extra help before school (7:30-7:45) and after school (3:30-4:00). Please contact me by email if you need anything.